Friday 1 June 2018

Karl Kjer: Carving Out Your Career in Freelance Science Writing

Longtime academic, professor and researcher Karl Kjer has worked in freelance science writing for just over a year. A knowledgeable and respected entomologist and taxonomist, Kjer has turned what is a considerable skillset and base of knowledge into a successful writing and editing career; producing high-quality scholarly work that both informs and engages his clients’ readership on a daily basis.

Diving into the world of freelance science writing, as Karl Kjer knows, isn’t always easy, though there are ways to make carving out your niche a little less challenging.

Build Out a Website
Give potential clients an online destination for examining your credentials and portfolio. This allows clients the opportunity to get to know you a little better, and makes their decision-making process a little easier.

Get to Know Your Clients
Before introducing yourself to a potential client or making a pitch about a potential story idea, be sure to better know the publication, the typical stories/articles it features, and the readership it looks to attract.